The role of extra-linguistic factors in style studies ( the Prague Linguistic Circle). Linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the classification of functional styles. General classification of functional styles.
The notion of ‘register’ ( similar to that of the notion of style), as series of situational factors, which determine the use of specific language means \G.Leech\. Functional styles as styles of language and speech. Systematic character of a functional style in speech ( functional stylistic correlation of the units on the basis of common communicative purport (смысл)).įunctional Styles as speech systems. the tasks and aims of communication in a certain social sphere, determined by the purpose of the correlated form of public thinking, a type of mentality, current in the sphere, typical patterns of contents. The extra-linguistic basis of a functional style, i.e. Functional style as the arrangement of language means in speech ( in the text), built up as the result of the working principles of language means choice and combination in a certain sphere of communication in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication \ M.N.Kozhina\. Functional style as “having social relevance, functionally determined, displaying inner coherence combination of ways of usage, choice and combination of means of speech communication in the domain of a certain national language, correlated with other ways of expression of the same type, which attain other aims and fulfill other functions in the social communicative experience of the people”\V.V.Vinogradov\. those phenomena of extra language reality under the influence of which there is a selection and the organization of language means the speech has own style lines. Functional style is formed under the influence of basic extralinguistic factors, i.e. It is possible to speak about a style and round it. In language consciousness of the speaking there is an idea of rules of creations of functional style. Functional style is a realization in live speech communication of opportunities of language. In the linguistics style is usually considered as the phenomenon speech, but there is other point of view, according to functional style it is the phenomenon language. They are widespread in the scientific sphere. It represents a chain of sentences which are connected by logical communication. Lexical and grammatical means which allow to describe relationships of cause and effect prevail. It gives speeches the reasoned character.
The reasoning is a text type which corresponds to a form of abstract thinking.
The course of events is accented by means of adverbial modifiers of manner. The main role play verbs and verbal forms of perfective aspect (limit action). Each subsequent sentence describes any stage of action in plot development. The narration represents sequences of a number of events or subject transition from one state in another. In the artistic, publicity and scientific speech. Special kind of the description is the characteristic, speech type for the image of qualities of the person and a subject. It is naturally that there are nominative sentences and elliptical construction.
Verbal forms are used for the subject characteristic. The description serves for the description of the nature, appearance main is not action, and the phenomena, their properties and qualities, the main semantic loading adjectives and nouns and those parts of speech which promote the description. FUNCTIONAL STYLES IN MODERN ENGLISHįunctional and semantic types of the speech. Concept of functional style of the speech.